The Geeks OUT Blog
Enjoy our extensive catalogue of geeky media coverage with an eye towards the LGBTQ+ community. Our editors strive to provide a diverse range of topics, genres, figures, and perspectives just for you.

TFF 2019 Review: For They Know Not What They Do
Rob & Linda Robertson Any LGBT individual who grew up religiously—and that’s many of us—knows what it’s like when your faith seemingly conflicts with your identity. That conflict is at the heart of Daniel Karslake (For the Bible Tells Me So)’s new...

TFF 2019 Review: Gay Chorus Deep South
After an emotional performance in Charlotte, chorus members console each other Early on in David Charles Rodrigues’ exquisite Gay Chorus Deep South, San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus artistic director Dr. Tim Seelig is working in his office. He explains that he keeps...

TFF 2019: VR Arcade Review
Tribeca’s annual Virtual Arcade Featuring Storyscapes is back with another diverse assortment of VR experiences. I got the chance to experience four, including the remarkable Another Dream, second in the transmedia series Queer In A Time of Forced...

TFF 2019 Review: Bliss
Dora Madison as Dezzy I always consider it a point of pride when I see a film people walk out of. At House of 1000 Corpses, a couple walked out as the woman loudly declared “let’s get the FUCK out of here!”; another pair fled Suspiria (2018) after a nasty bit of...

TFF 2019 Review: You Don’t Nomi
Elizabeth Berkley as Nomi in Showgirls For camp movie fans, the existence of a documentary about the Showgirls cult is both remarkable and unsurprising. It’s unlikely subject matter in some ways, but if you saw Paul Verhoeven’s notorious 1995 flop for the first...

Review – Avengers: Endgame will ruin you for any future comic book films
Once you experience Avengers: Endgame, you’ll quickly realize that there will never be anything like it again (or at least not for another 11 years), and honestly, maybe there shouldn’t be.

Beetlejuice’s Big Bi Broadway Energy
Queer coded villains are out of date because we don’t need code anymore – what we need is more unapologetic queer monsters, breaking the 4th wall and howling from the beyond.

Tribeca Film Festival Preview
The Tribeca Film Festival returns this week for its eighteenth edition. Always inclusive, this year’s fest (running now through May 5) boasts films largely directed by women (40%), people of color (29%), and/or LGBTQIA folks (13%). Here are some titles to...

Review: Hellboy never stood a chance in hell
Before I started writing this review, I tried to convince myself not to spend the whole time talking about how far superior Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy run was, but the more I think about it, the less I can keep that promise.

Stoopid Hooman by Alexa Cassaro
With Easter right around the corner, Geeks OUT contributor Alexa Cassaro brings us some bunny realness with their latest web comic!