The Geeks OUT Blog
Enjoy our extensive catalogue of geeky media coverage with an eye towards the LGBTQ+ community. Our editors strive to provide a diverse range of topics, genres, figures, and perspectives just for you.

GEEKS OUT BOARD INTERVIEW #5: Bethany Gonzalez-Velez
We here at Geeks OUT want you, the reader, to know more about who we are. To help with that, we’ve started interviewing members of our board so you know what makes us tick. Here’s our fifth interview! Who are you and what do you do for Geeks OUT? I am Bethany...

Review: Black Christmas
Imogen Poots is Riley in Black Christmas The latest victim of toxic internet backlash, Sophia Takal’s Black Christmas, remakes the classic 1974 horror film for the #MeToo era. In a society where a groundswell of support has taken down serial abusers like Harvey...

New Web Comic – I’ll See You Again
Hello comrades! As some of you may already know, unearthing and paying homage to suppressed and censored LGBT history is a great passion of mine. Lately I've been thinking of how to create a work that would explore places and physical artefacts that could be said to...

Review: Stonewall Outloud
I love gay history, so I jumped at the chance to attend a screening of the documentary short Stonewall Out Loud at the Stonewall last week. It initially premiered on June 5 of this year to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the riots and is currently streaming on...

We here at Geeks OUT want you, the reader, to know more about who we are. To help with that, we’ve started interviewing members of our board so you know what makes us tick. Here’s our fourth interview! Who are you and what do you do for Geeks OUT? Hi! I'm Kyle-Steven...

Review: Terminator: Dark Fate
Mackenize Davis and Natalie Reyes What if you made a sublime sequel and nobody came? That seems to be the problem facing two new films this month: Terminator: Dark Fate and Doctor Sleep. While I haven’t seen the latter, it’s gotten rave reviews—but...

The Okay Witch Is More Than Okay
The Okay Witch is a recently released YA graphic novel, written and drawn by Emma Steinkellner, published by Simon and Schuster’s Aladdin imprint. Steinkellner, who previously illustrated the Eisner-nominated Quince series, makes her graphic novel writing debut in...

A letter from the President
Now that the holiday season is almost here, I find myself thinking about everything Geeks OUT has accomplished this year. We attended conventions across the country almost every month - connecting with LGBTQ communities from Boston to Seattle and Chicago to San...

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: Spiral review
Spiral is the quintessential film I wanted to like more than I actually did. I was excited to review a queer horror film, especially one specifically addressing homophobia in the 1990s. Alas, Spiral’s reach winds up exceeding its grasp. Jeffrey...

On Being the (Second) Drag Queen in the Marvel Universe
My Interview with Actor Terrence Clowe Photo courtesy of Earlier this month, Marvel announced it will be expanding its podcast offerings to include several scripted programs and nonfiction shows. This makes sense, given the success they’ve...