The Geeks OUT Blog
Enjoy our extensive catalogue of geeky media coverage with an eye towards the LGBTQ+ community. Our editors strive to provide a diverse range of topics, genres, figures, and perspectives just for you.

Interview With Editor Shelly Romero
Shelly Romero (she/her) was born and raised in Miami by Honduran parents. She now resides in New York City where she is forever chasing the perfect café Cubano and pan tostado. She is a member of Latinx in Publishing, People of Color in Publishing, is a junior...

Interview with Graphic Novelist Jessi Zabarsky
Jessi Zabarsky lives in Chicago with her cat and forty three plants. She was raised in the woods and will one day return there. Her first graphic novel, Witchlight, was published by Random House Graphic in 2020. You can find her online at @jessizabarsky. I had the...

Interview with Author Darcie Little Badger
Darcie Little Badger is a Lipan Apache writer with a PhD in oceanography. Her critically acclaimed debut novel, Elatsoe, was featured in Time Magazine as one of the best 100 fantasy books of all time. Elatsoe also won the Locus award for Best First Novel and is a...

Interview with Authors Katherine Locke & Nicole Melleby
Katherine Locke (they/them) lives and writes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with their feline overlords and their addiction to chai lattes. They are the author of The Girl with the Red Balloon, a 2018 Sydney Taylor Honor Book and 2018 Carolyn W. Field Honor Book, as...

Flame Cast – E8 – Rage Gear Studios It's the return of the Flame Cast, our celebration of past, present, and future Flame Con guests. Join Kevin in a conversation with Eric & Ray with Rage Gear Studios (@ragegearstudios) as we get to know their influences and what they...

Interview with Author Emily X. R. Pan
Emily X.R. Pan lives on Lenape land in Brooklyn, New York, but was originally born in the Midwestern United States to immigrant parents from Taiwan. Her debut novel, The Astonishing Color of After, was a New York Times bestseller, winner of the APALA Honor and Walter...

Interview with Author Claribel A. Ortega
New York Times Bestselling and award-winning author, Claribel A. Ortega is a former reporter who writes middle-grade and young adult fantasy inspired by her Dominican heritage. When she's not busy turning her obsession with eighties pop culture, magic, and video games...

Interview With Author Amelia Loken
Amelia Loken writes Young Adult Fantasy and Contemporary fiction, exploring the courage of people who forge bridges from the shards of old obstacles. Professionally, she’s worked in the Deaf community as an ASL/English interpreter and currently in the field of...

Interview with Author Freya Marske
Freya Marske lives in Australia, where she is yet to be killed by any form of wildlife. She writes stories full of magic, blood, and as much kissing as she can get away with. Her short fiction has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Andromeda Spaceways, and several...

International Asexuality Day 2022
Today marks the second International Asexuality Day. It's a day to promote and highlight asexual, aromantic, demisexual, and other identities that fall under the ace umbrella. In order to help celebrate IAD, we'd like to highlight a number of Michele Kirichanskaya's...