For immediate release:
PERFECT CRIME PARTY is A Comics Anthology
Packed With 25 Light-Hearted Tales of Criminal Activity,
Featuring 40+ Creators And A Cover by Jeff Smith
Available Via Backerkit
From Award-Winning Publisher Iron Circus
Spike Trotman’s Iron Circus Comics — the premiere publisher of award-winning, critically-acclaimed graphic novels in the American Midwest, which has raised nearly 5 million dollars via crowdfunding — is launching a BackerKit campaign to publish PERFECT CRIME PARTY, a full color 300+ page anthology containing 25 light-heart tales of criminal activity from over 40 incredible creators as well as a cover by Jeff Smith (Bone). From club-style murder mysteries to anxious teens hijinx to acts of protest, PERFECT CRIME PARTY asks the immortal questions: What’s the perfect crime? And what do you think you could get away with?
“PERFECT CRIME PARTY is the platonic ideal of the Iron Circus anthology,” said Iron Circus Founder Spike Trotman. “A cool idea, tossed at incredibly creative people, who are left to do with it what they will! The results are always so fun and unexpected.”
Geeks OUT can exclusively announce 3 of the creative teams for Iron Circus Comics’ latest anthology:
– Play It Again by Tango, Amy Chase, Xenon Honchar, & Noah Stephens – A vampire wants to recover memorabilia of his old band for a music collection.
- Tango: “Jules is a vampire musician who feels he’s outlived his best friends and the golden days of his life, and while he can’t steal back time there’s a personal memento he finds in the collection of a private collector that he’s kind of hoping is the next best thing. It’s that loss of connection that drives him to his crime. The story is one part grief, one part Scooby Doo, and a little love-note to one of our favorite horror directors, all wrapped in a heist that presents some challenges unique to a nightstalking protag.”
- Amy Chase: “Crime fiction, especially in heist stories, is driven by both logic and thrills. With Play it Again Tango and I wanted to add another layer of flavor to the action in the form of vampire lore, which gives us a chance for added complications and humor as our punk rock bloodsucker attempts to steal a priceless piece of his own history. Forget modern security systems—how do you start a high stakes (not wooden stakes) heist when you need a formal invitation to even get inside? This one is our love letter to supernatural stories and the way art can take on an immortal life of its own.”
- Xenon Honchar: “Play It Again was such an incredible project to work on with an equally incredible team! The story centers around a Vampire, Jules, attempting to get back the vinyl made by his old band Fangs from a collector. I was so excited to color for this as it has every element I could possibly want from a crime story. From the punk backstory we get, a vampire cat burglar, to the sick moves at the end, Amy and Tango couldn’t have done a better job! The humor in this comic is such a treat! Look out for the song names on page 7—simply genius!“
– Polyphonic Funk: My Outlaw Melody by David Brothers & Alissa Sallah – A delinquent plans a car heist with the help of her dead father’s ghost.
- David Brothers “Detective fiction tells us that there’s an order to the world that can be intuited and enforced, protecting us from the wolves at our door. Crime fiction, though. That one tells you that there’s an order to the world, and yes it can be intuited, but more importantly, it can be broken if you hit it in just the right way, giving you a chance to finally reach what should’ve been yours in the first place. Polyphonic Funk: My Outlaw Melody is the story of a teenaged girl, her ghostly father, and their shared quest to carve out a piece of the future and their city for themselves.”
- Alissa Sallah: “Working with David to create Polyphonic Funk: My Outlaw Melody was a total jam! The characters have such a fun dynamic of old school and new school, what would happen if two eras of delinquents got to play off of each other. The thing about generations is that time is something you can’t steal back, but your will continues to haunt those who come after.”
– The Cloud Thief by Erin Roseberry – A witch needs to steal some clouds to make it rain.
- Erin Roseberry: “When I saw the theme of this anthology was crime, I started thinking about what kind of crimes you could only commit in a fantasy setting. What was something that you could only steal with magical assistance? How about…the weather? That’s how I came up with the core of my story, which is about a witch trying to steal a rain cloud, and the ridiculous ways magic complicates the whole procedure.”

The campaign will feature multiple tiers for backers, including a digital version of the book, a print version of the book featuring additional art, and a bundle featuring all of Iron Circus’s previous general anthologies, including Sleep of Reason, New World, Timrous Beastie, FTY Ya’ll, Failure to Launch, and the Eisner-award-winning You Died!
To support the campaign on BackerKit, visit this link:
For updates, follow Iron Circus Comics on X, Facebook, and Instagram.
For more information, contact:
David Hyde Hanna Bahedry
Superfan Promotions Founder Superfan Promotions Publicist
About the publisher
C. Spike Trotman (she/her) – C. Spike Trotman was born in DC, raised in MD, and lives in IL. An artist and writer, she founded Iron Circus Comics in 2007, which has since grown to become the region’s largest comics publisher. Her notable work includes the webcomic “Templar, Arizona,” the Smut Peddler series of erotic comic anthologies, and Poorcraft, a graphic novel guide to frugal living. A Kickstarter early adopter, she pioneered the widely-adopted bonus model that’s since completely reshaped the pay system of the small press, jump-starting the current renaissance of alt-comics anthologies. Iron Circus is also the first comics publisher of note to fully incorporate crowdfunding into its business model, inventing one of the single most effective uses of new media in comics publishing today.